View Full Version : review - anyone tried dpbuk? Is it a scam?
28 Feb 2011, 05:31 AM
Hi, was wondering if anyone had tried dpbuk as a dropshipper.
28 Feb 2011, 06:59 AM = scam = = scam = = scam = = scam
They are all the same thing, disguised under different domains.
You will lose money with these outfits, many people stumble upon them when they are starting out (= lots of competition), and their prices are terrible for online selling. Websites are poor. Also they aren't a real dropshipper, they were set up to take as much money as possible from ignorant newbies who get hooked by the first claims of riches.
28 Feb 2011, 07:10 AM
Scam middleman, not even a dropshipper, sorry to say. It's owned by a company that owns a group of scam dropship websites, all selling the exact same packages but disguised behind different domain names.
They also run a network of review blogs and forums, where they post fake reviews to deceive new sellers. It has been a confirmed con for many years, with victims complaining of websites left half broken, products not selling or overpriced and out of stock items. Beware they are not a dropshipper, therefore they don't control stock, and that's why people are left having to refund orders and bear the costs.
There is extensive evidence to suggest dpbuk sends out prices for products they do not have in stock just to get you to pay a sign up fee. As a general rule of thumb, you should never pay to use a dropshipper. Almost all the dropshippers that ask for a dropshipping fee are either overused, too expensive, or both.
28 Feb 2011, 10:52 AM
I tried dpbuk, paid for all the extras, tried ALL their products, and actively promoted my site for almost 2 years. Result, total sales of £35! Not what I had expected. I have since used Auctiva and had much better results.
The problem with dpbuk is that it isn’t commercially viable, prices are not competitive and it gets blocked by many of the key online sales channels, like Google Shopping etc, because Google doesn't like known dropshippers (they dislike duplicate websites that use dropshippers, and obviously dpbuk has been targeted and banned by Google Shopping as a result). I also tried dropshipland and had the exact same problem, spent a lot of money and got almost nothing in return, making quite a large net loss in the end.
29 Mar 2011, 09:49 PM
I recently joined Dpbuk and dropshipland and yes they are the same thing and all lies!
To be honest im surprised the ASA hasn’t got on to them yet. It’s impossible to make any money out of this site. I myself trade as a online shop, buying bulks of RC helicopters from UK and oversea's suppliers and i was looking to try a different trade as at this time of year RC helicopter don't sell well. As i didn't want to stock bulks of goods I tried out DPBUK and bought a website, Bad move! It was the cheapest piece of .... i have ever seen. Not only that they tried to con me into donating extra money by loading paypal pages without a payment description. I also tried Dropshipland which i believe is the same company. If all this waste of money wasn't bad enough, I complained to the support team asking if i could get a refund as the the package i received was not that they described on their site and you wouldn't believe the response i got. The person who replied was helpful but had sent the full content of forwarded email. In this email i saw a message that was sent between a fellow colleague and himself which called me an "idiot"! lucky they forgot to remove this from the email.
As you can see from my experience, dpbuk is scam and please don't get fooled as i did.............! and sorry for the long post ;)
03 Apr 2011, 12:10 AM
Sorry to read you were also defrauded by dpbuk. They aren't genuine. They have set up their scheme to generate confusion, and in that confusion they will separate the punter from his money. Sounds like the typical scam? That's because it is.
The second issue with dpbuk is that they are prepared to throw false accusations to defend their scheme:
1. They will claim the sites are unrelated;
2. They will claim they don't own any blog or forum;
3. They will claim that all the online complaints about their disastrous services are unreasonable or written by competitors;
4. They will tell you that they are a victim, and that the reasons for the complaints are that the complainants are clueless and don't know how to run a business;
5. They will tell you that they are being persecuted, and that people are writing false reviews about them.
How much bad press can a single site get?
The truth is that dpbuk / dropshipland has tried to bury complaints about their worthless service for years, by using distraction and destruction, and by publishing fake reviews on their own blogs and forums about companies that have exposed them.
Don't be fooled by their marketing. Steven Gibson, the owner of the sites, is a notorious fraudster under close scrutiny by Scotland Yard and the authorities. This is not the first time he scams. You can do your part by reporting them to Bradford Trading Standards ( and the Bradford Police (
11 Apr 2011, 06:27 PM
Wish I had found this out before paying dropshipland.
I joined them about 11 months ago after falling for all their false claims of being the best.
I wasn't naive enough to believe that the initial fee would include hosting as I have been messing about with websites for quite a few years now but when I found out how much they were charging for their hosting which is compulsory I was shocked.
I decided to give it a go and they set up my website. I went through the various categories in my control panel looking at the wholesale prices and checking retail prices on other websites, most of the wholesale prices were higher than retail prices everywhere. Nothing like the sample websites they sent me to view before I purchased.
I decided to have a go anyway, started promoting by listing my sites on various directories, blogs, review sites etc and managed to get a few sales, approx £30 of sales in total.
At this point I felt uplifted so I proceeded to start an adwords campaign.
I spent about £100 on advertising and received sales of about £15 with about £4 profit for me!!!
I'd had enough at this point as I had started finding some bad reviews about the company and after reading more I have realised that I do not wish to be associated with them any longer. I have cancelled my paypal recurring payment with them, sent them written confirmation that I wish to cancel at the end of my 12 month contract and they have now removed my website which I am taking as their confirmation they have received my request.
By all accounts it appears that I am one of the lucky ones as they have cancelled my account when requested and I did make something albeit only a few pounds.
To summarise:
The website are very poor quality, I had to ask for support on several occasions due to links not working etc
The hosting is vastly overpriced, cheaper can be found elsewhere.
Their 'wholesale' prices are nothing of the sort.
The product ranges are poor.
I purchased a package which stated I would have every product in their range but after purchasing they offered me upgrades at a cost for other items to be added to the range.
All in all, a very underhand company who are not upfront about the true costs of the business they offer.
PS. Is it possible to transfer the domain once a contract has been terminated with them as I would like to use mine elsewhere but I have read that they will not allow transfers??
23 Apr 2011, 03:13 PM
PS. Is it possible to transfer the domain once a contract has been terminated with them as I would like to use mine elsewhere but I have read that they will not allow transfers??
Hi Sturose,
No it is not possible.
Dropshipland purposely includes a domain name (and charges you an exorbitant GB£10 for it) to keep a live hook once people realize what they have gotten themselves into and decide to cancel.
By keeping your domain, they try to make you more reluctant to cancel the membership. Don't fall for this trick. Domain names are inexpensive (try 1&1, GoDaddy, or 123-reg in the UK), and you should never let anyone have control of it but you. Also remember that search engine optimization is domain name specific; if you let anyone have control of your domain name, and they won't release it to you once you cancel, you will lose all the money and efforts you spent on generating traffic to your domain name.
Dropshipping can work, but only if you choose a very unique route. All these business-in-a-box dropshippers are a waste of time and money, not just because they are overpriced, but primarily because they deprive you of the uniqueness that is essential to making money from dropshipping and reselling.
Also beware that, since dpbuk was exposed, the site has tried to make us believe that online complaints found online since 2007 are somehow false ... or made up ... talk about a callous scam. Be careful of their tactics, they are only interested in your money, and they will tell you what you want to hear just to get it.
21 Jun 2011, 05:13 PM
Me and my Mrs got stung by these too around 8 Months ago.
Fair to say that they will be getting a written letter to cancel my website with them, I have already cancelled the paypal re-newal. We WOULD have sold quite a few things just a shame nothing we were to sell was ever in stock.
I see that BM Dropship who they use for there lingerie don't use any Bluemoon products any more and everything now is just overpriced garbage. Be warned people do not use DPBUK they are con men as we found out and luckily only lost £90 but still it isn't the point......
Moral of the story. DPBUK are con men and frauds. AVOID!
10 Jul 2011, 11:20 AM
Hi Dayle,
Sorry to read about your experience, there are hundreds of reports about their cons online. Here is one of the latest reports on what they have been up to:
1. Why DPBUK and its duplicate dropship websites are an intricate scam (
2. What DPBUK has been doing to disguise its scam (
30 Jan 2012, 07:10 AM
Yes I have tried dpbuk. About 5 years ago I registered with them and then took one of their business opportunities at an anual fee of about £75. It just did not work for me and I eventually requested dpbuk to de-register me and to cease my business registration (computer and printer inks, etc). For the last two years I have had the business fee taken from my account and all my requests for it to be stopped have been ignored and, certainly my request for repayment have also been ignored. As the time I fast approaching when the payment would be due again I am at a loss how to ensure some action from dpbuk is taken on my behalf. Obviously they are not prepared to make contact with me and to cease payment deductions from me. Can anyone help. please.
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