eSources is the only directory that will protect you against dropshipping scams. If you think about the extent some middlemen dropshippers are going to distance you from this directory, and if you have an understanding of business, it should be immediately clear that eSources does the business. Why would scam dropshippers go to such an extent of discrediting eSources, unless eSources was offering its members the best sources and everything you need to get started and bypass middlemen? Those who deserve the quality of the eSources service will understand this point very clearly.

The testimonials at esources premium members reviews are unequivocal, they have a postal address associated with each testimonial, and for a directory that has been around since 2004 that should clarify they are very legitimate, in fact too good for the liking of some middlemen dropshippers who are themselves using dropshippers in the eSources database. ;)

You can also find more information at eSources - the inside story