Just thought you might like to know this. I've been researching esources.co.uk before joining, and came across those fake reviews you have uncovered (I'm sure you've read it all). One idea I came up with was to post a comment on one of them and see if it got accepted. The site I chose was one of the fake dropship blogs a few members here have exposed - I left this comment on April 25th 2012 at 9:12pm under Ramon Bakker:

"I joined their site and found the suppliers I needed, I guess everybody has a different experience with esources."

To my amazement they changed the meaning of my comment entirely by changing the wording to:

"I joined their site and found the none of the suppliers I needed, I guess I have been scammed like everybody else by esources."

I bookmarked my comment to see if they would post it or not, but I never thought for one minute they would change it like they did. It'll also be interesting to see how long they leave it up if word of this gets out. Please feel free to publish this note anywhere you want, and I'd be happy to confirm what has happened to me to any doubters. Incidentally, I've left them a second comment a few days later (April 28th 2012 at 7:24pm) and it'll be interesting to see what they do with that - here it is if you're interested:

"Thanks for changing my last comment, I now know the truth about esources.co.uk so you have done me a great service - you totally changed the meaning of my comment, but surprisingly they didn't. I have to be honest, wasn't expecting that

It's now clear who the scammers are and who I can trust - so thank you again. I'm going to post again and suggest that everyone should do the same thing as I have done.

You've more than lived up to your name - you've helped me enormously :-)

Thanks Again......"

