I am sorry to inform you that you are yet another victim of the uk dropship group scam. More info about another scam site he runs at Dropshipland Scam. UKDropshipGroup.com is part of a network of scam dropshipping websites, including a forum and a few blogs, set up to publish fake reviews about middlemen dropshipping websites. The scheme starts by pretending to help people who are starting out, and who are therefore more susceptible to marketing messages. They then rob you of your money making you think you are buying an opportunity, when in reality the opportunity is only theirs to take your money. An orchestrated rip off.

The scam begins by asking you to pay a small fee, usually in the range of £15-£30 for a website. What they don't tell you is that you have to pay more money for hosting and a domain name, which quickly adds up to almost £100... You then suddenly realise that the prices you were shown before sign up are fake, and that products are priced a LOT higher and WELL ABOVE eBay and online RETAIL prices! Yes, you read correctly. There are many people who have fallen for this scam, you won't find a single success story and the majority of the people who fall victim never even manage to sell a single product. The prices are simply way too high. On top of all this, you are asked to pay large hidden hosting fees for websites with a terrible design and that nowadays you can obtain for free and with much better appearance. You don't find out about all this mess until you have submitted your first payment and an agreement form.

If you are on a self destruction streak and willing to pay the second larger fee, beware that you will be signing up to a recurrent contract which you will be legally bound to pay for the full year. You will also only get products that are marked up so high you would be lucky to make a single sale. There are thousands of people who have been ripped off by this scam, mainly because the same company owns its own forum and blogs. They start by giving what appears to be good advice, then as soon as you learn a thing or two about selling you will quickly realise how they have scammed you.