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  1. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by forgotten_4580 View Post
    I’m trying to decide pricing for these athletic shoes I sell through drop shipping. I know about what they go for from other competitors, but I don’t know whether or not I should sell them with the customer paying the shipping costs. What’s the standard for paying the shipping when it’s through drop shipping?

    Usually you have two options you can charge them for shipping separately as shipping differed based on the country they are from (shipping charges fluctuate) ... This way you are not out of pocket.

    The other option is to build it in to your price, just charge a standard rate of $10-$20 for domestic and $30 for international ... Some orders you make money and some orders you lose some, assuming its the same product you sell and it's the same weight and size.

    Alex C Ryan
    Managing Director
    Import Export Exposed