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  1. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    You can advertise on Facebook it's very cost effective

    The upside of ads on Facebook is that they target people according to their interests rather than pages. So, it's not that your ad is static on some page, it's that FB shows it to people who have stated that their interests are the ones you've asked to target when you created your ad (for example you asked to target American women, 20-45, who stated they are interested in Jewelry, Gossip Girl and Teen Vogue).

    Another upside is that while it takes some learning and playing with until you get it right, you can get pretty good results on a reasonable budget (even $2.5 a day)

    The downside is that it is slightly time consuming. You need to take the time to learn it and "play" with it until you discover which ads and which target audiences are the most effective for you. Also ads are sometimes very effective for a short while (24 hours for example) and then you need to change either the text, the photo or more commonly the target audience.

    Still it's very worth exploring. Good luck!